Please note, items purchased on finance cannot be exchanged for a gift card. If there is not a suitable product that can be exchanged for your returned item you will be offered a credit on your account or gift card based on the value paid at the time of purchase.

To exchange a product, goods must be sealed / unopened, with packaging in original condition, and accompanied by a valid receipt dated no more than 7 calendar days from when you request an exchange. If you change your mind after making a purchase, or realise you have ordered the incorrect item, you can enjoy the peace of mind that we offer a 7 day exchange policy. If you are located in New Zealand, you can order directly from our New Zealand site If you are located in Australia you can order directly from our Australian website 7 day right of exchange From when you place your order, in-stock products typically arrive within 7-10 working days for all countries that we ship to. The delivery time-frame (in days) for each product we sell is detailed on the individual product page just to the right of the main product image. All orders sent by PB Tech are fully insured in the unlikely event that your item(s) are damaged or go missing in transit. In some cases, and only where you have given the courier company permission to leave orders at a designated location, your order may be delivered without requiring a signature. Shipping Security & InsuranceĪll orders shipped by PB Tech are sent via a courier with a signature required for each delivery. To calculate what the shipping costs will be for your order, add the items you are interested in to your cart, view the Shopping Cart page, and select your 'Delivery Area' to calculate the shipping cost. Shipping costs vary based on your location and the items being shipped and in some cases shipping may even be FREE.